Why Us?



Knowing the ins-and-out of the application process can prove invaluable in your application. Avoid common pitfalls could save years in your change in status.


Detailed plan in application process can cut off administrative time. Preferred partners with us can also enjoy precious time shaved off from your application success.


For your profile to stand out, you do need to have documents that put you above the competition.


Our client’s success is the testament to our work. Your success is our mission.

What Situation Are You In?


First Time Application

Just settled in Singapore and starting to get accustomed to the life now. Get your chances evaluated with us and see how you can bolster your profile for your application.


Facing Repeated Rejections

80% of the applications get rejected yearly and many get turn off by the application process as there are too many questions and blind sights by applicant.

Avoid this.


Settling in Singapore

You are on the fence. Not knowing the complete picture and information required can never allow you to make any informed decisions. Let us plan out your Life-Chart such that we maximise the possibilities of a positive outcome for your life.

What Profile Are You?



15% of our applicants are in this category. Maximising the potential whilst you are young is to further your career and personal development here in Singapore. Start young to enjoy more years of benefits having the red-passport.

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While planning for stability to start a young family, other than direct resources like capital and a stable home, another important thing is to consider the possibilities of repatriation and also work against that. The stability throughout adolescence years have a large influence in how your children will turn out in the future.



Bulk of the clients are here. Stability and intentions in Singapore are the name to the game. The greater intentions the more you are able to show in your profile, the greater overall chances of success in your application.

Our Journey Together

  1. Consultation

  • First Profile Analysis

  • Face to Face Advisory

  • Policy Updates


2. Profile Strengthening

  • Profile Insights

  • Understanding your concerns

  • Find the right direction


3. ICA Submission

  • Expedite application process

  • Exhaustive documents review

  • Documentation processes

  • Handle any special and complex cases


4. Post-Submission

  • Appealing of application

  • Finalizing process with Immigration Authorities

  • Completing of formalities